Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Establishment of Liasion Office in India

Establishment of Liasion Office in India
Liaison office acts as a channel of communication between the principal place of business or head office and entities in India.  Liaison office can not undertake any commercial activity directly or indirectly and cannot, therefore, earn any income in India.  Its role is limited to collecting information about possible market opportunities and providing information about the company and its products to prospective Indian customers.  It can promote export/import from/to India and also facilitate technical/financial collaboration between parent company and companies in India.
Permissible Activities for a Liaison Office
A Liaison Office (also known as Representative Office) can undertake only liaison activities, i.e. it can act as a channel of communication between Head Office abroad and parties in India. It is not allowed to undertake any business activity in India and cannot earn any income in India. Expenses  of such offices are to be met entirely through inward remittances of foreign exchange from the Head Office outside India. The role of such offices is, therefore, limited to collecting information about possible market opportunities and providing information about the company and its products to the prospective Indian customers. Permission to set up such offices is initially granted for a period of 3 years and this may be extended from time to time by an AD Category I bank.
A Liaison Office can undertake the following activities in India:

i.          Representing in India the parent company / group companies.
ii.         Promoting export import from / to India.
iii         Promoting technical/financial collaborations   between parent/group companies and companies in India.
iv.        Acting as a communication channel between the parent company and Indian companies.
Liaison Office of Foreign Insurance Companies / Banks
Foreign Insurance  companies  can  establish  Liaison  Offices  in  India  only  after obtaining  approval  from  the  Insurance  Regulatory  and  Development  Authority (IRDA). Foreign banks can establish Liaison Offices in India only after obtaining approval from the Department of Banking Operations and Development (DBOD), Reserve Bank of India.
Extension of Validity of the Approval of Liaison Offices
The designated AD Category - I bank may extend the validity period of LO/s for a period of 3 years from the date of expiry of the original approval / extension granted by the Reserve Bank, if the applicant has complied with the following conditions and the application is otherwise in order.

§  The LO should have submitted the Annual Activity Certificates for the previous years  and
§  The account of the LO maintained with the designated AD Category – I bank is being operated in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the approval.
Such extension has to be granted, as expeditiously as possible, within a period of one month  from the receipt of the request under intimation to the Regional Office concerned  of  the  Reserve  Bank  and  to  the  Chief  General  Manager–in-Charge, Foreign Exchange Department, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai 400 001, quoting the reference number of the original approval letter and the UIN.
The application for extension of the validity period of the LOs of banks and entities engaged in  insurance business has to be directly submitted to the Department of Banking Operations and Development, Reserve Bank and Insurance Regulatory and Development  Authority  (IRDA),  respectively  as  stipulated  by  them,  as  hitherto. Further, no extension would be considered for LOs of entities which are NBFCs and those engaged in construction and development sectors (excluding infrastructure development companies). Upon expiry of the validity period, these entities have to either  close  down  or  be  converted  into  a  Joint  Venture  (JV)  /  Wholly  Owned Subsidiary (WOS), in conformity with the extant Foreign Direct Investment policy.

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